Barn Cats play an essential role in farm life.

We feel that all life is valuable, that includes bugs & rodents.  But what do you do when the rat & mouse population becomes a threat to the health & safety of your animals?  You take in some feral cats, that’s what.  By following their natural instincts, they are happy & they help keep the farm healthy.

This is Bob.

Friends of ours were moving & couldn’t take Bob with them so we took him in.  He was a great mouser in his younger days.  These days, he walks up the road to visit all the houses that leave cat food out, then comes back to the farm for a nap.  When you come visit, there is a good chance that he will demand some love from you!

Kit & Kat are sisters that were rescued from a feral colony on another farm.

We bottle fed them & worked hard to rid them of fleas in their first months of life.  We hoped we could make them indoor cats but they had other ideas.  Our guest bathroom has little kitty claw marks all the way up to the ceiling!  So these 2 trouble makers were made Barn Cats & are fully loving life now.  The often “help” us with chores, go on fence checks, & bring us gifts.

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Know where you food comes from & how it was treated.

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